Tuesday, November 15, 2011

An image that will probably be a cover for an issue, volume or filler art, anyway the three main characters to "Armor of Quetzalcoatl" Amba doing the kick, Kwon-Shin in the bandanna and K'in up front.

Well, it's been about 2 years since last post...because deviantart seems to present more hits, but whatever here is some new stuff for anyone still bothering to look, and if you are THANK YOU!!!:)
Starting off my design For Quetzalcoatl, the Mayan winged green dragon of thunder

Monday, June 28, 2010

Every 10 year old boy's fantasy: A hot chick noticing them!

In this assignment we were given the scenario or a boy walking into a business answering a "help wanted" sign, the guy at the counter dismisses him to continue talking to a pretty lady, the lady tells the boy that her work place is hiring and they leave the shop, leaving the clerk pissed.

"Castle" (don't sue!!!)

This was either the second or third cover assignment we had, in which we chose a live action show and created a cover for it. I chose Nathan Fillion's and Stana Katick's show "Castle", in which Nathan plays crime writer "Castle" who follows Stana's character "Kate" a NY cop, and gets inspiration for his stories through the cases they solve. It's very funny you should be watching it now...wait look at my pictures then go watch it, yeah let's go with that one.

1st comic cover assignment

The assignment was to create a scene where a male and female vampire are being chased by villagers and one is being staked with a carriage and village involved. This was my design, ironicly everyone in the class had the woman vampire being staked, we all agreed there was some significance there...but it would have taken far too long for our attention spans to figure out. This is because artists are lazy.

Friday, May 14, 2010

BlueBeard sequence pg.7

SPLASSHH PAAAGGGE! Oh no you're not reading it wrong the chick's torso is sticking out of a 12ft tall mass of happy, childish, mayhem busting through smoke energy with a sword so BAD-ASS Cloud get's sword envy! He's just happy to be out again like a child in a toy store.

BlueBeard sequence pg.6

...hells yeah...process that!