Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Poster for an upcoming class

This was a poster I did for an upcoming class as an assignment for one of the classes I took this semester I had to use both adobe photoshop and illustrator.

Gaining Wings a shot from my "Armor of Quetzalcoatl" comic

This was the final for one of my classes this semester took around 3 weeks.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Lion or crap you decide

some people can see it some can't

Sunday, June 14, 2009

More of Leo in various action-y poses

Yeah the title says it all. these poses of Leo are about a year to two years old. I put them out because they capture the movement or stance well, I think. Tell me what you think, please leave a comment

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Leo and acrobatic stunts n cuts

...what the title said.

Leo and Dragon

This one was pretty fun and hard at the same time. The dragon is made of Leo's energy and trying to show this with ink only was a challenge. I looked up the manga "Flame of Recca" (go out and buy it NOW!) for examples. I plan on later putting this in "Adobe Illustrator" and improving it.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


This is an image I did for a comic class flier. I'm biting my nails with nervousness, hoping the class is not dropped again.


This is the character "Compass" from a comic project my friend and I are working on, actually the same project the "Astral Knight" is in. She's compass because she's a navigation officer

Monday, June 1, 2009

a tad frustrating

The background and wind is not what I was hoping for on this piece.I was going for a professional "Wen m" look, but here it is Amba once more.

Friday, May 29, 2009

"Armor of Quetzalcoatl" revisited

this was my computer illustration final. It took a while but it was worth it.

Astral Knight

this I did for my computer illustration assignments this past semester, it was the midterm. The Astral Knight is a character for a comic my friend and I are working on.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Fan Art for "Joe MAD"

I'm a HUGE fan of "Joe MAD's" style and works. He's currently working on the game "Darksiders" for the PS3. This is a drawing I did from one of the concept art pictures I saw; Not sure of this guy's name though, sorry.

Leo in civies

This is that same character but in civilian clothes. If I remember correctly I used color pencil.

Crimson Burn

This Leo from a different comic I created, haven't come up with the right name yet though.

This is a comic I created "Armor of Quetzalcoatl"

"Armor of Quetzalcoatl" is based upon Mayan mythology

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

it's a buncha fights

these are poses and fight shots I sketched out of comics I was reading, and put my characters and their body types in place of whatever character I was looking off of.


Asalan's a character from another project I want to do, so hopefully she'll make an appearance

charcoal Kenshin

I'm a big fan of Rurouni Kenshin so here's the obligatory fan art

eh, it's a fight

This was fun to do because I saw it PERFECTLY in my head (in there it's rare for anything to be perfect) again sorry for the poor scanning job. I'd scanned a bunch of pictures a couple years ago I'm just now getting to putting them on the web. Also the year in which I drew them will most likely be out of order, as is stated I'm rabid and so the brain has some holes in it.

1st impression

Well it's up...I'm here...and I have no clue what I'm doing. That being said here it is: one of my character's name is Amba; sorry for the poor quality of the scan, my fault.